I had the opportunity to attend a breakfast with Peter Vidmar, the highest scoring American Gymnast in Olympic History, I learned so much from him I can't wait to share it all:
Take Chances, Take a Risk, and Get Outside Your Box
You have three choices: Average, Above Average, and Excellent -
Which one do you want to be?
- If you don't take the chance you won't become the best you want to be!
- Do you want to play it safe and be mediocre - or take the risk and be excellent?
I choose excellence!
The Extra things we do make a difference
- Change your behavior to be the best
- Work twice as hard as everyone else and you will be a winner
- The first person to work and the last person to leave are usually #1
- Stop watching "the other guy", don't be a copy-cat - Don't look at what other people do, be your own person, own your own scripts, and honor your skills.
- Becoming the best does not happen overnight!
- Separate yourself from the ppack
- Make your repetitious tasks fun and exciting
- To be focused and diligent = SUCCESS!
Are you doing extra?
More to come from this very inspirational speaker later this week!
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