Current Total: $8,372 towards the fight against Breast Cancer
New Goal: $10,000...
As many of you know, I am lucky to be a breast cancer survivor. With one sentence from my doctor 2 years ago, I learned just how vital early detection is in the fight against this disease that affects 1 in 8 women in our country --mothers, sisters, friends. In 2008, the American Cancer Society estimated that 182,460 women and 1,990 men were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. Most sobering of all, breast cancer is the third leading cause of death among all women.
My cancer was a specific tumor described as HER2 positive. HER2 positive tumors tend to grow and spread quickly. They require aggressive treatment, which takes an emotional and physical toll and can be expensive. That's where my goal and all my fabulous supporters come in! This fall, I will be participating in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, walking for 39 MILES in Charlotte, NC on October 24-25. I'm excited to be a part of team HER2, the first-ever national walk dedicated to the patients and caregivers affected by HER2-positive breast cancer. My walk raises money for local, regional and national breast cancer organizations to support five areas of the breast cancer cause, including: awareness and education; screening and diagnosis; access to treatment; support services; and, scientific research. Support for the medically underserved is a key priority!
This event is a BIG commitment for me, but one that I feel is absolutely vital. I have spent weekdays working out, and weekends walking countless miles in Tomahawk Creek Trails to prepare for this walk!
Thanks to all my supporters I have currently raised close to $8,500 and have now increased my goal to $10,000, leaving me just $1,500 away and still two months out! I know times are tough, but it seems as though I have tremendous support, and I would love to make it all the way to $10,000! Anything you can give would be much appreciated, and your support would mean the world for me! There are two ways to donate:
- Make a donation online at Click on the "Make a Donation" tab and search for Team HER2 in Charlotte, NC. Then find my name and follow the lins for you donations to count for me.
- Send me a check made out to "Avon Walk for Breast Cancer" at 4811 W. 136th St, Leawood, KS 66224.
By participating in the Avon Walk, you'll allow medically under-insured women and men to recieve the screening, support, and treatment they require. Leading-edge research teams will be provided with the funds they need to fuel thier quest for a cure! Thanks again to all my supporters this cause means the world to me, as does all of your support!